Sunday 5 April 2015

Horus Heresy - Shattered Legion - Salamander Scheme #1

The following post details the colours used for the core areas of the Salamanders Legionnaires. I'll cover the colours used for the details (flesh, flames etc..) in a further post. Due to real life I ran out of time for those stages...

Likewise this post will likely be updated as I tweak things further.

So I originally planned on doing a step by step this week, after all I had the scheme laid out pretty solidly in my mind. Needless to say, things didn't quite go according to plan the first time round. (Either me being too keen with the glazing or some other painting faux pas)

Instead what I have is a model with which I practised a few techniques and also figured out the just how much I needed to tweak said scheme (it turns out, not a lot).

The bulk of the work will be done with the airbrush. For basecoat and undercoat, I have a generic cheap thing of which I don't even know the needle size but it blasts out the paint so it's all good for me. For detail work I have just got myself an Infinity CRPlus with 1.5mm needle. This should help me to make quick work of shoulder pads, faces and the lightest highlight colour on the armour.

Cheap and Cheerful
Oooo shiny...
Originally I was going to give the models a zenithal white spray of primer. I've also nixed this idea for now. I am aiming for an element of realism to these models and from my test piece I am pretty sure a similar effect can be obtained using just my main colours. I also don't want the effect to be to extreme either.


This scheme uses a number of different ranges. To keep things fairly simple all paints generally follow a theme:
  • If it is in the airbrush use an airbrush specific paint (with one exception).
  • For brushes, anything goes. 
The scheme itself is based around the Forgeworld scheme. I replaced the Tamiya Green with the Gunship green as I wanted something that I could shoot through the airbrush without any mixing/thinning. Unfortunately I couldn't find a good substitute for the Lorien Green so decided to stick with it.

Green Armour

Colour Layer Applied With Brand
Dark Green Basecoat Airbrush Vallejo Model Air
Gunship Green Basecoat Airbrush Vallejo Model Air
Lorien Green Directional Highlight Airbrush Citadel Layer Paint
Straken Green Edge Highlight Brush Citadel Layer Paint
Biel Tan Green Wash Brush Citadel Wash
Agrax Earthshade Wash Brush Citadel Wash
Waywatcher Green Glaze Brush Citadel Glaze
Dryad Bark Battle Damage Sponge Citadel Base Paint
Green Armour - further dirt and battle damage will be added to the actual models.

Black Armour

ColourLayerApplied WithBrand
Dark Blue GreyBasecoatAirbrushVallejo Model Air
Dark Sea GreenDirectional HighlightAirbrushVallejo Model Air
Medium Sea GreyDirectional HighlightAirbrushVallejo Model Air
BlackShadeAirbrushVallejo Model Air
Medium Sea GreyEdge HighlightBrushVallejo Model Air

Gold Detail

Colour Layer Applied With Brand
Rhinox Hide Basecoat Brush Citadel Base Paint
Viking Gold Basecoat Brush Scalecolor
Dwarven Gold Basecoat Brush Scalecolor
Dwarven Gold / Speed Metal Edge Highlight Brush Scalecolor
Agrax Earthshade Wash Brush Citadel Wash

Silver/Metal Detail

ColourLayerApplied WithBrand
BlackBasecoatBrushVallejo Model Air
Black MetalBasecoatBrushScalecolor
Heavy MetalBasecoatBrushScalecolor
Speed MetalEdge HighlightBrushScalecolor
Nuln OilWashBrushCitadel Wash
Metal, Gold and Black(ish) areas
These core four make up the bulk of the model so I can get on with this whilst working out how to paint some of the other areas. They should also provide a good base for the Iron Hands models in the force, which should make the two legions tie together quite nicely.

Test Model - note the subtle difference in green as I played with the colours
Once I crack on with the models properly I'll try and pop up a stage by stage as originally intended.


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